Nessuna traduzione esatta trovata per لا يناسبني

Domanda & Risposta
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  • Don't work for me.
    لا يناسبني
  • It's no good.
    لا يناسبني
  • Not me.
    لا يناسبني
  • That doesn't quite work for me, okay? That doesn't quite work for me.
    هذا لا يناسبني، هذا لا يناسبني أبداً
  • I can't, huh? You two wait right here.
    لا يناسبني ؟ . انتظراني هنا
  • That color doesn't look good on me.
    هذا اللون لا يناسبني.
  • All wrong. For me, you know?
    كله لا يناسبنى
  • No, it doesn't... get in.
    لكنه لا يناسبني
  • This isn't the job for me.
    .وهذا العمل لا يناسبني
  • That doesn't work for me.
    هذا لا يناسبني